Hommage à Cy Twombly
Am Kupfergraben 10
10117 Berlin-Mitte
For sales inquires please call +49 (0) 30 809 092 20 or contact collectors@bastian-gallery.com
Subsequent to »Cy Twombly. A Mediterranean World«, a solo exhibition of the artist’s work, we are pleased to announce a second and concluding exhibition, »Hommage à Cy Twombly«.
In his work Cy Twombly has achieved a union of text and image, making present the history and mythology of the Mediterranean. His interest in questions related to History, the history of ideas and literature has allowed him develop an incomparably free oeuvre going beyond the isms and schools of his time.
Our »Hommage à Cy Twombly« illuminates the historical influences on his own work as well as the intellectual exchange he had with other contemporary artists and his role as a precursor of different positions in contemporary art. It is in this spirit that all exhibited works contribute in various ways to a dialogue with Twombly’s artistic legacy.
Our exhibition includes historically significant works of Twombly’s contemporaries Rauschenberg and Beuys. Anselm Kiefer’s focus on conceptual landscapes based on literature remind us of Cy Twombly’s paintings. The liberation of the line, as it appears in the work of Brice Marden, also traces back to Twombly. Cy Twombly sees a continuation of Corinth’s and Soutine’s work in the expressive paintings of Georg Baselitz. For this homage, Richard Long, Gerhard Merz and Emma Stibbon have made new works.